Sometimes it’s not just what you do, but also what you say

Sometimes it’s not just what you do, but also what you say

Many years ago the English philosopher John Austin wrote a brilliant book, ‘How to Do Things with Words’. He introduced the notion of speech acts. For him a word is an act. It’s a curious concept, the notion that to speak is to act. Sure, we move our mouths when we...

Online ads and the click-through rate debate

Online ads and the click-through rate debate

Click-through rates.  The percentage of online ad views that turn into those ever-precious clicks.  How much do they matter? To many, they mean everything.  They are like an all-important sprocket in the mechanism of online advertising and are the measure of a web...

The high price of cheap content

The high price of cheap content

Being a freelancer is a chancy profession for any person; for freelance writers it’s even more so. In this article we will discuss how many freelance writers - those who do copywriting and content writing - are underpaid, undervalued and, yes, exploited. What do...

Watch your language

Watch your language

Language is a curious thing. Children in most countries will be told at some stage to ‘speak properly!’ In English the ‘proper’ way to speak is often called Queen’s English, or in its more technical formation, ‘received pronunciation’. If you fail, there is always the...

What do you do when you can’t get a ring off?

What do you do when you can’t get a ring off? Can you lose a finger from a ring?   Yes! A ring I had nearly cost me my finger. I never really considered that wearing a ring could potentially cause me to lose a finger. The last thing any writer wants is to lose a digit on their...

Honest copywriting in a world of fraud

Honest copywriting in a world of fraud

When it comes to promoting copywriting services, the issues of business ethics and integrity are seldom mentioned. As Melbourne-based freelancers, we focus on our locality and like to get to know our customers. We can reach out to the rest world too and are able to...

Is advertising evil?

Is advertising evil?

Let’s face it, advertisers aren’t seen as the most honest people around. As practitioners of the dark arts, they trick and fool people into parting with their money for things they don’t need. But on the inside, things are a little different. Or at least that’s what...

Advertising: Good art or bad science?

Advertising: Good art or bad science?

How do we know what constitutes a good advertisement? Who can make such a decision and how? Advertising is usually set among the creative industries and as such it is situated among the arts.  University courses in advertising are arts rather than science courses....

The paradox of the digital age

The paradox of the digital age

Let’s play a guessing game. Name the technology. Which technology ‘assembled all man on one great place, whence they can see everything that is done and hear everything that is said and judge of every policy that is pursued at the very moment when these events take...